Thursday, August 7, 2008

Love Triangle

A little background: little girls Carson's age like to talk about getting married. A LOT. The first time Carson's friend Chloe asked him to play "getting married" he said, "Okay! Where's Mary?"

So last night we had dinner with our friends Ron and Susan before church. Their daughter Emma and Carson chatted each other up the entire time, as they always do. Susan called me later to tell me something funny she overheard at dinner:

Emma: Are you going to marry me or Avery?
Carson: Married is for grown-ups.
Emma: (Laughs and giggles) Mommy, Carson says he wants to marry a grown up! (She thought that was just hilarious).

Susan also went on to say that Emma gets concerned that Carson is going to marry Avery instead of her. Susan tries to reassure her that, no, Carson will not marry Avery because they are cousins. She said this is how the conversation ususally goes:

Emma: I think Carson might marry Avery.
Susan: No, Carson will not marry Avery because they are cousins.
Emma: But they are friends, too. So maybe he will marry her?
Susan: Don't worry, they are also cousins....and the cousin thing comes first.


Angie said...

Hi Jennifer! I've been enjoying your posts ever since I found you on Brenna's page! Your boys are precious! They grow up so fast!!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Should Chloe be jealous???

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog! Usually I just lurk, but today I had to tell how sad I am about Nate, and why didn't you tell me about him! How is Rhino doing without him?

The boys are adorable and I love the pictures of them.

Give me a call.
