I'll start with Cole. Here are a few of the words he is saying now: go bye-bye, go night-night, Bible, thank you, help, frog, fish (shish), hot, yes, no, back!, uh-oh (this is a frequent one), bath, baby, flower, teeth, nose, eye, ear, toes, hair, mama, daddy (daaeeee!), juice (he calls any drink juice), please, more please, apple (ap-bull, yells this whenever we go grocery shopping), cracker, cookie, shoes, outside (side), etc. Whenever he falls down he says, "Whoa!"
Today in the car I handed him a couple of french fries and he yelled, "YAY! YAY! YAY!" :)
His hair has gotten so blonde this summer: His personality is really starting to show. And boy, does he have a lot of personality in that little body! Let's just say I emailed my friend Lindsey last night and told her I need to borrow her copy of The Strong Willed Child ASAP. We are definitely inching our way toward 2! I truly believe his strong will will be an asset as he becomes an adult, but it sure does test us at times.
One example: Last night at dinner he started throwing his food. After telling him no several times, he just laughed and kept launching food across the room. So we took his tray away and even though he didn't have anything to throw, he sat there PRETENDING throw things and laughing! Oh, my...Carson said, "Our baby sure is a little stinker, isn't he?"
Here are some SWEET things about Cole. And he can be SO sweet!
Whenever he sees Mark he yells, "DAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Love it!
When he wakes up in the morning he yells, "Mama! Daaeeeeeee!"
Can kind of spell his name: "C-O-E! Yea!!"
Tries to say his ABC's
LOVES to dance! (See video)
Always carries his blanket around... we call him Linus!
LOVES to give hugs and kisses. Yesterday he kissed everyone (multiple times) we were playing with when it was time to leave!
Is obsessed with balls, cars, and a dancing Elmo toy we have.
Likes to give high-fives!
Both boys love for us to chase them. In fact, this is what we do for much of our day!
Oh! He also loves to color. Here is one example of his handiwork (there are many). Thank goodness for magic erasers!
Still LOVES his brother so much! I can't believe how well they get along... for now!
Likes to play Lincoln Logs w/Mark.
He is obsessed with firemen and policemen. Anytime we see a fire truck, ambulance or police car, he gets SO excited!
Is also obsessed with bugs, snakes, lizards, dirt, you get the picture...
Loves to take baths with Cole:
Enjoys his pajama party every night. Now Cole can join in! Both boys get cozy in their pj's after a bath for a snack and a short cartoon in mommy and daddy's bed before bedtime.
Whenever he gets in trouble, he says, "Do you still love me?" Breaks my heart and makes me smile at the same time.
Both boys love to swim and Carson can swim well underwater. We usually go swimming 2-3 times per week.
He misses our dog Nate (our boxer who we had to have put to sleep a few months ago) terribly. Always asks when he will be able to see Natedog in Heaven and prays for him.
We've been using this prayer with Carson when we tuck him in at night and I love it! (You have to scroll down a bit). It sure cuts down on the laundry list of "God Blesses" which usually starts off with, "God bless my mommy, daddy and little brother..." and ends somewhere along the lines of, "God bless the chocolate chip cookie Mommy let me have at lunchtime today."
Carson likes to play "paramedic" and makes Cole be his patient:This weekend Mark was grilling steaks and I was inside making the side dishes, Carson ran in yelling, "TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!! DADDY LET ME HAVE A LIZARD!!" (They found a lizard outside and Carson put him in his "bug catcher").
Of course, Carson begged to keep him. I said, "Lizards don't live inside very well. We don't want him to die." Carson said, "But what if I keep my promise every day and feed him and take care of him?" I said, "Well, how would you feel if he died?" He thought and said, "Well, Jesus would just open up the lid and take him up to Heaven with the Angels."
PS, We did not keep the lizard!
1 comment:
Your kiddos are so cute! I can't believe how big they've gotten! Good to hear from you.
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