Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wacky Wednesday and a Couple of Videos

Carson was absolutely thrilled about Wacky Wednesday at Preschool this week. Seriously... you'd have thought he had been to Disney World! Our preschool has one day per month that the 4 year olds can go for a fun day with enriching activities. Oh. my. gosh. Carson talked my ear off the entire way home about how Ms. Leah popped popcorn ALL BY HERSELF in a Mickey Mouse popper IN THE ROOM, not in the microwave, and the popcorn went down the slide into a bowl and it was JUST LIKE BEING AT THE CIRCUS! And they painted with "dry soap!" That stumped me at first, but then it occured to me that he has probably never used any soap other than liquid soap and so he thought the bar soap was SO cool. Who knew that Wacky Wednesday was going to be just like the circus! I bet Ms. Leah felt like she had been at the circus as well!

This weekend I was talking with my cousin Laura and I was trying to get Cole to say her name. He kept pronouncing it "DORA." I started laughing and tried to correct him, then he got mad and would only say "NO!" Here are some videos of him saying Laura (Dora) and Carson (Sarsen).

1 comment:

Leah said...

I am glad that Carson had a great time. It was like the circus! We had one burn her finger because she had to touch the popcorn kernel that popped out of the bowl. And another that stuck a red hot up her nose! Great fun!